The Opqo installation process asks you to identify the assignment methods you wish to use for technicians and managers.

Currently, there is no way to enter this selection again directly via the app.  However you can change the configured options via the following methods.

Re-Perform the Opqo Installation Process

You can trigger the Opqo installation process to be required from the Opqo app, which will allow you to change the selected assignment mechanisms.

Please note that this will prevent other users from using the application, until the installation process is completed again.

  • In Maximo, go to the Automation Scripts application
  • Open the automation script: STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMVERSION
  • Delete this automation script
  • Log into the Opqo app on your device as an admin user, and follow the prompts to select new work assignment options.

Manually Edit the Configuration

Follow the following steps to manually edit the configuration:

  1. In Maximo, go to the Automation Scripts application
  2. Open the automation script: STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG
  3. The top section of this script contains the assignment strategies selected during installation.

appConfig = {
  "general": {
    "assignment": {
      "technician": {
        "strategy": "LeadAssignmentStrategy"
      "manager": {
        "strategy": "SupervisorAssignmentStrategy"

The example above specifies the following assignment mechanisms:

  • Technician: LeadAssignmentStrategy
  • Manager: SupervisorAssignmentStrategy

You can change the configured assignment mechanisms by altering the assignment strategies in this configuration.

The following table describes the available assignment strategies:

The LEAD field on the work order identifies the user
The OWNER field on the work order identifies the user
The user has an Assignment Manager assignment on the work order, either directly or via crew.
The SUPERVISOR field on the work order identifies the user

For example, the following would configure the app to use Maximo assignment manager assignments for technicians, and the OWNER field for managers:

appConfig = {
  "general": {
    "assignment": {
      "technician": {
        "strategy": "AssignmentMgrAssignmentStrategy"
      "manager": {
        "strategy": "OwnerAssignmentStrategy"

Note: For more information on Opqo configuration and the role and contents of the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG script, see the Configuration Overview article.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us or create a support ticket for more assistance.