Opqo 22.12.0 adds support for configuring an attribute that replaces the ITEMNUM attribute when displaying, searching and scanning Item information in Inventory functions.

Note:  If a custom scan configuration is defined for inventory and/or inventory balances, this will be used "as-is", and any ITEMNUM references in this configuration will need to be updated to reference the replacement identifier.

This is useful in cases where the ITEMNUM attribute is not meaningful to the user, and a different attribute contains a user-meaningful Item identifier.  

Note:  The ITEMNUM attribute is still used internally for all data relationships and interactions with Maximo. The custom identifier replaces the ITEMNUM attribute for display and user interaction.

The configuration allows specification of:

  • The attribute containing the replacement Item Identifier.  This is specified relative to the ITEM MBO and can be a standard or custom field.
  • A custom title for the replacement Item Identifier.  This will be displayed to the user in search prompts.

Note:  The replacement attribute should have the same general characteristics as the ITEMNUM field:
  • It should be a text type e.g. ALN, UPPER
  • It should be WILDCARD searchable
  • Each ITEM record should have a value for the custom attribute
  • The values should be unique for items within the same ITEMSETID i.e. the same as for ITEMNUM

To configure the replacement Item identifier, add configuration to the general section of the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG automation script in the Maximo environment.

The example below adds configuration to use the attribute ITEM.STNUM, with a title of STN.

appConfig = {
"general": {
"customNum": {
"item": {
"fieldName": "stnum",
"title": "STN"

Note: For more information on Opqo configuration and the role and contents of the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG script, see the Configuration Overview article.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us or create a support ticket for more assistance.