When Opqo is installed, it makes configuration changes in Maximo to support its operation.  As different Maximo versions have different features and internal configurations, the Opqo configuration that is installed is specific to the Maximo version that it is installed into.

When you upgrade a Maximo environment that has Opqo installed, it is recommended that you re-run the Opqo installation process after the upgrade is complete, so that Opqo can make any adjustments to the configuration to support the new Maximo version.  

Typically you would do this as part of the Maximo upgrade process: After the Maximo upgrade is complete and Maximo is up and running, but before Maximo is released back to the general user community.

To perform the re-installation, do the following:

  1. In Maximo:
    1. Log in using a Maximo account that is in the system administrators group
    2. Go to the Automation Scripts application
    3. Search for and delete the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMVERSION automation script.

  2. In Opqo:
    1. Ensure Opqo is configured to connect to your upgraded Maximo environment.
    2. Log in using a Maximo account that is in the system administrators group.
    3. After a successful login, Opqo will enter the installation process.  Follow the prompts and wait until the installation is complete.

Note: When the Opqo installation process is re-run using the above process, any Opqo configurations that you have made will be retained, including members of Opqo security groups.

If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact us or create a support ticket if you have questions or require our assistance.