Opqo 24.05.0 added support for viewing and adding task attachments, by default.  However, there are a number of configuration options for task attachments, should the default configuration not match requirements.

To configure the task attachment options, add configuration to the general section of the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG automation script in the Maximo environment.

appConfig = {
  "general": {
    "doclinks": {
      "task": {
        "enabled": true,
        "allowAdd": true,
        "addToDocType": "Attachments"

The above shows the default configuration. The options within are explained in the following sections.

Disable task attachments

Opqo allows viewing and adding task attachments by default.  Access to this functionality is controlled by the enabled property.

Adding configuration with the enabled property set to false will disable both the display and ability to add task attachments.

The default value of this property is true.

Disable adding attachments to tasks

It is possible to configure Opqo to display existing task attachments, but not allow them to be added with Opqo.  This is controlled by the allowAdd property.

Adding configuration with the allowAdd property set to false will disable the ability to add task attachments.

The default value of this property is true.

This property is only referenced when task attachments are enabled.

Change the folder that tasks attachments are added to

By default, task attachments are added to the Attachments document folder.  This can be changed via the addToDocType property.

Set the addToDocType property to the DOCTYPE of a valid document folder, as defined within the Work Order Tracking application in Maximo.

This property is only referenced when task attachments are enabled and allowAdd is true.

Note: For more information on Opqo configuration and the role and contents of the STAUTOSCRIPT.STAMCONFIG script, see the Configuration Overview article.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us or create a support ticket for more assistance.