Widget Configuration

Work order tasks: Adding task notes
Opqo supports the ability for users to record notes against a work order task.  However, this feature requires additional configuration to make it available...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 10:54 PM
Work order materials: Enabling/disabling issue
The work order materials widget, by default, allows users to issue materials to the work order from storerooms they have access to.  However, it is possible...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 10:54 PM
Inventory count: Standard/custom count types
The inventory count widget is configured by default with the following count types: ABC Cycle Count - includes balances due for count based on ABC analysi...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 10:55 PM
Labor/Time Entry
Removing time tracking stopwatch The default time entry widget includes a stopwatch to enable the user to easily mark the start and stop times to be rec...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 10:56 PM
Work Orders: Configuring requirements for work order completion
Opqo 23.09.0 adds the ability to add configuration for optional/mandatory conditions that must be satisfied in order to complete a work order. Available...
Mon, 11 Dec, 2023 at 10:58 PM